The Vision Blog

The Vision Blog provides you with valuable articles about family and individual vision insurance, tips for maintaining good eye health as well as the latest trends in eye care. Visit the Vision Blog often to stay informed about your eye health and vision insurance options.

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Each season inspires us to travel, see friends and family and see the world at large. What better way to celebrate you than with a new set of eyeglass...

Your vision. Your way.

Not covered for vision? Get an individual plan, customized for you – including where you want to use it: at the doctor, in a retail location, or even online.

VSP Benefits & Savings

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Each season inspires us to travel, see friends and family and see the world at large. What better way to celebrate you than with a new set of eyeglass...

Are you a summer expert? Discover how much you know about the sunglass-iest time of year.

We’ll help you get to know your options when it comes to choosing dental insurance and dental care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

June is Cataract Awareness Month, and we’re here to show you the what, how, and why of cataracts, from prevention to treatment and beyond.

Your lifestyle can help determine your glasses style. Take our interactive quiz to find out what glasses are meant for you.

When it comes to correcting your eyesight, there’s a lot to consider. Read our guide to all things contact lenses, eyeglasses, LASIK surgery and more.

There are other reasons you might want to see your eye doctor without delay. Here is a list of five signs that you need an eye exam, ASAP.

Some eye habits can cause some seriously bad outcomes, whether immediately or long-term. Here are seven bad eye habits to break for better eye health.

April is Sports Eye Safety month and we’d love to show you how easy it can be to make sure your “windows on the world” keep seeing clearly and safely.